The health and safety of all Edcon employees are of prime importance to the company. Management and owners hold the highest commitment for the safety, welfare and health of its employees.
Edcon will provide employees with training and safe work environment which allows our employees to work safe. Employees are committed and held accountable to work incident free. Prevention and elimination of safety and health hazards is everyone’s job.
Safety Programs |
Program Type | Program Description |
Workplace orientation | Awareness training for new employees to ensure a clear understanding that safety is the core element of our business. |
Workplace Training | On the job training with senior operators and managers is completed over several months to ensure all work is completed in a safe manner. The new worker will be mentored and evaluated for all aspects of the job requirements prior to completing work by themselves. |
Job Performance Report | Ongoing documentation and evaluations are communicated to Managers, the performance of field personnel and equipment. These are completed on drilling sites and reviewed with the Manager and customer representatives with findings shared. |
Job Procedures | Each job procedures are clearly defined for each aspects of the work related activities to include environment factors, tools, materials, machinery, chemicals, potential hazards, engineering and administrative controls and personal protective equipment. |
Job Safety Analysis / Job Hazard Assessment | A step by step procedural system used to effectively communicate to all personnel, the potential hazards of a given task and the measures to eliminate or minimize the hazards involved. |
Near Miss / Observation / Hazard Identification Reports | A tool to track hazards to prevent future incidents that is completed on a job to job basis and reported to the client and management and reviewed at each monthly safety meeting. |
Pre / Post Job Checklist | All vehicles, equipment and tools are inspected prior to and after job to ensure all are in safe and working order. Any deficiencies are tagged and repaired prior to next job. |
Safety Meetings | Owners and Management are actively involved in meetings to communicate the importance and commitment of safety within the organization. OH&S regulations, procedures, policies, incidents and innovations are disgusted in an open dialogue between employees, owners and management. |
Drug and Alcohol Testing | Full drug and alcohol testing is complete for pre-employment, pre-access, random, reasonable cause, return to work and at least randomly 12 times per year. |